a Spa and wellness - Apartmá Panorama

Spa and wellness

Priessnity Spa Resort with favourable climatic conditions for spa treatment is situated on the sylvan slope of Rychlebské Mountains, 620 m above sea level, in the farthest north-eastern spur of Silesia and Moravia. Thanks to its position, Priessnitzovy léčebné lázně a.s. (Priessnitz Spa Health Centre a.s.) Jeseník is a dominant of the wide valley in which the Town of Jeseník, 2 km far from the spa centre, is situated.

From the spa, you can see at one sight the impressive panorama of the mountain massif of Hrubý Jeseník with Praděd, the highest mountain of Moravia (1492 above sea level).

Due to protected geographical location, the spa has extremely favourable, mild and moist climatic conditions that enable effective curative or holiday stays every season of the year, also thanks to exceptionally clean and negatively ionized air.

The local microclimate is suitable for spa treatment of diseases of air passages, heart diseases and circulatory disorders, neurosis, exhaustion states and mobility disorders.

Jeseník Spa came into existence and was renowned later on thanks to one man - Vincenz Priessnitz - the founder of hydrotherapy which established in Gräfenberg the first hydrotherapy centre in the world in the year 1822.

About 80 registered and named springs flow out of the ground near the spa.

In the symbol of Priessnitzovy léčebné lázně a.s. (Priessnitz Spa Health Centre a.s.), there is a lion, embodying the victorious way of Priessnitz’s hydrotherapy but also undertaking that the successors of the well-known “water doctor” shall continue to recover both health and life optimism of people by purely natural means combined with the latest scientific knowledge.


Adresa apartmánu

Apartmá Panorama
apartmá č.9, třetí patro
Slezská 536
790 01 Jeseník

Telefon: 774 115 111

Apartmá Panorama Jeseník
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